Top 10 Benefits of CEREC 3D CAD CAM

25 March, 2022

The benefits of CEREC is that is an an advanced technology and treatment is done in one single session. This is a system that makes restorations in less than one hour, from start to finish! Subsequently, these restorations are safe, strong, metal-free, and extremely esthetic.

First, a tooth is prepared and any decay removed. Then, we scan it with a special digital camera which is a fast and comfortable process.

After the scan, we design the new tooth in 3D on our computer. Finally, the tooth is milled in about 5 minutes before being placed in your mouth.

Benefits of CEREC

The Main Benefits of CEREC are:

  1. It’s fast and comfortable for the patient
  2. Includes crowns (caps), veneers, inlays, onlays and bridges
  3. No temporary teeth are needed
  4. The whole process saves you valuable time
  5. No messy impressions are required – hooray!
  6. CEREC is a technology from Germany and is the world leader in 3D CAD CAM dental systems
  7. No delays in treatment. Now, the entire process is done in one single session
  8. Restorations are highly precise, strong, and give superb esthetic results
  9. More resilient. The highly durable materials used to create a CEREC crown or restoration are less prone to flaws and cracks when compared to other types of dental restorations
  10. Can be used to protect a weakened tooth, or restore a broken tooth in one appointment

CEREC 3D CAD CAM dentistry

Interesting Facts!

With traditional dental crowns, it would take three office visits to prepare a tooth and fit a crown into position. But with our revolutionary Sirona CEREC technology, Dr Juan Francisco Gomez can make and place a custom-made dental crown, or other type of restoration in just one office visit! This is the most important benefit of CEREC.

Patients no longer need to make repeated visits to our office to repair their smile. This makes CEREC an excellent choice for patients looking to save time and quickly restore their oral health. It’s hassle free, one-appointment, modern dental technology.

If you need a dental crown while you are in Palamós, Girona Dr Gomez will help repair your smile.

Dr Juan Francisco Gomez is our specialist in 3D CAD CAM restorations

Sounds great, right?!

Finally, you can drop us a line using our web form or message us by WhatsApp which is fast and easy. Please let us know where you are located, what treatment you would like, or what problem you are having so that we can help. Thanks!!

Contact Information

You can contact us by phone, email, filling out the contact form or visiting our clinic.


972.31.93.88 / 676.286.42


Av. Catalunya, 33, Local 2
17230 – Palamós

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